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Hello, party, people, Mitch, here from Party Business Growth Solutions and today we’re going to be digging into and talking about the six six centerpieces of success for party businesses and children’s entertainers and children’s activity providers. There are six of them, not just one. All right. So what we’re going to be talking about today is extremely important if growing your business is important to you.
All right now, the first thing I want you asking yourself is, are you spending your time working on the right things for your business to actually grow right? Or do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels a bit and sometimes focused on the wrong, wrong things? You see, a lot of times what we’re seeing is that most children’s entertainers, most party businesses that we’re looking at and that we’re talking to and that we’re working with are placing a huge emphasis on one area only. And that is their product, right? They pour their heart, their soul all their time, all their energy into making it as great as possible, which is awesome. But this only makes you great at the service you provide and not great at running the business that where you’ll like a business where you actually have longevity and you’ll be able to do the craft you love for the long term and earn a really great living doing it right. So if you’re focused on your product and then all the other stuff to run your business successfully, it’s just kind of an afterthought, then this training is for you. All right now, I’m going to zoom in on the training itself right now because I want you seeing all of this stuff really clearly, OK, what your business should look like. It’s not like this. Rather, it should look like this, right? And this means that you are focusing on the six centerpieces.
So as we talked about before you got your product, that’s obviously critically important. But like I said, most business and business owners in our industry tend to focus on this one and this one alone. There are five others that we need you focused on. So real quickly, we’ve got mindset, right? The fact that you are watching this video today is already a great sign, but your mindset as a business owner is extremely important. If you want to grow your business, it all starts with you. OK. Next, we’ve got lead generation. If you’re not doing this every single day that you’re working for your business, then there could be a problem here for you. All right.
Next, we have sales conversion that is different than lead generation. We’re going to break these down for you in just a minute. But lead generation, you know, is what’s gets the requests coming your way, where sales conversion is, what turns those requests into actual paying gigs for your business?
Next up, we’ve got operations. So this is about how you run your business. All right. And finally, we’ve got your team unless you should have one. Even if you’re a solo entrepreneur, you’re a solo entertainer out there. You still need a team around you in order to grow your business, and we’ll talk more about what that means and what that looks like.
OK, so first up, we’ve got the product. You know this one? You love it, but we’re going to talk about it anyway because a great marketer can easily get you your first five, 10, even 50 events. Even if you don’t have a great product, your reputation will take over, and that will be the end of your face painting business, your magic business or what have you. OK, so your product is what’s going to keep you going for the long term, having a high quality product is what’s going to actually lead to a long term successful business. All right. So what’s important when it comes to your product? Well, first, we know that you need to have a great product service because nothing else will matter without it. All right. So a great product, you want to be thinking about what makes you special. You want it to be thinking about the expected value versus the value. Add that your clients might have. So what are the things they just expect you to have? So if you’re a character entertainer, they expect you to have high quality costumes and performers. That’s not a feature that’s going to sell them on you over your competition, right? That’s the expected stuff. What are the things you could do that goes beyond what they expect? That’s going to be the value add stuff that really makes your product shine. All right. You’re going to be focusing on the destination. I want you focused on the the excitement, the enjoyment, the memories that you’re going to be creating for your client. That’s what really makes your product stand out. OK. Don’t just focus on the little steps along the way. Focus on the big picture and what’s going to make this an extremely memorable experience for them. OK. So if you’re face painter, it isn’t just putting paint on their skin. It’s kids saying this is the best event, the best birthday they’d ever been to. So one of the things you’re going to do and makes that happen. All right. So this is the things I want you thinking about when it comes to your product. All right.
Next up, we said mindset. So mindset, yeah, you have to have an entrepreneurial mindset if you want to grow your party business to an entrepreneurial. Mindset, so what do we mean by that? Well, first and foremost, obviously, you have to have the passion now from the conversations I’ve had with party entertainers, children’s entertainers, children’s activity providers. This is not an area I see people in our industry struggling with. In fact, I would argue that we’re probably among the most passionate industries that exist in this world. So but you’ve got to have that passion. If you’re not passionate about it, this is going to be a grind for you and it’s going to wear you down. You need to be focused on the right tasks. So imagine, for example, what 30 minutes of lead generation activity per day could do for your business, you know? Are you are you truly doing that for your business or are you every single day doing something that gets you more leads, more inquiries coming in? And imagine if you’re not, imagine what just 30 minutes every single day would do for your business. All right. Are you working or what is your working on your business versus working in your business ratio? If everything you’re doing is working in your business, you’re the technician of your business day in and day out. You’re so focused on the the service you you provide, the work you do when you’re out there doing it, you’re out there performing out there, doing all this stuff, and you never take the time to work on your business that’s working on your strategy, on your marketing plans, on the big picture stuff that’s going to really drive growth for your business. You need to have that healthy balance between the two. You know, in our industry, it’s very common that we’re owner operator businesses. So that means you own the business and you’re also the one running the business. So you’re always going to be working in your business to a certain degree. But what is that ratio look like for you? Are you 95 90 percent working in your business versus only five percent, 10 percent working on your business? That’s not going to be a healthy enough balance for you to really drive your business to grow. OK? What about Work-Life Balance, right? Are you allowing yourself to have that balance or is your business taking over your life? Are you bogged down by the grunt? Work in your business? Is all the admin tasks and the communicating with your clients. And if you have a team of staff communicating with your staff and making sure everybody’s on top of everything, all the time is not wearing you down. Is that taking over your personal time? Can you make it through a family dinner without getting interrupted by a call or an urgent email or an inquiry that you feel you have to drop everything to respond to? You need to allow yourself to have that balance and find ways to do it. Or your mindset is, are you going to be in danger? All right. So those are the things I want you thinking about when it comes to mind. So there’s obviously a lot more we could say about this, but it’s important for you to be thinking about it. All right. So that’s not second centerpiece.
Next up, we’ve got lead generation. So this is about getting your name out there and getting people to show interest in what it is you offer. Not too often people are looking for a, you know, a quote, magic bullet and it doesn’t exist. So random acts of marketing just don’t work. What you absolutely have to have for your business. Lead generation is a big picture plan where the pieces are strategically working together. OK, now there are different tactics you might approach this with, and I’ll share with you some of the most popular ones we’ve seen people have success with. But again, I don’t want you thinking about each individual piece as much as I want you looking at your business and figure out what that big picture plan is. So word of mouth by design is a very effective one. Okay, a lot of people tell me all the time word of mouth is my best lead generation activity, and I totally believe that what I what I mean by by design is I don’t want you sitting back and hoping it happens. I want you proactively doing things that encourage the word of mouth to happen, and we could talk about all kinds of strategies. And if ever you want to brainstorm with this with me, I’d be happy to chat with you or get a group together. And let’s figure out our strategic partnerships is another great strategy to get more leads. This is where you partner with other businesses, other individuals, other community leaders who are also in front of your ideal target audience. So you know it may be online community leaders, people who run Facebook groups for parents in your local area and you form a partnership with them that is mutually beneficial, and it’s up to you to get creative on how you’re going to position that. Or it might be a local retail establishment like a toy store or something like that. You form a partnership with them that again is mutually beneficial and gets both of you generating leads for each other. OK, so think about strategic partnerships. Another strategy is email and social media. Marketing is a great way to stay in front of your audience. Stay relevant year round. Even when they’re not planning a party, they’re thinking of you so that when they finally are planning a party, you’re the first name that comes to mind SEO, which is search engine optimization. That’s all about ranking high in the search engines like Google. And paid odds, of course, are great ways to get your name out there and get more leads. And of course, there’s many more. But as we talked about earlier, you need to have a big picture plan should you be. Doing all of this simultaneously. Eventually, maybe, but not at first, if you’re not doing them all, you want to master one and then add to that one and then add to those two and then add so until you have a big picture plan that is strategically all working together now, like I said, if you don’t have a big picture plan that brings in all the pieces together strategically, you’re going to be guilty of random acts of marketing. You’re going to convince yourself that some of these strategies that are working beautifully for other people just don’t work for you. And it’s not because the strategy doesn’t work. It’s because you don’t have a plan to bring it all together in a strategic manner to make it work for you. OK, now we have people coming to us all the time who struggled with that. Coming off that big picture plan was overwhelming to them. Not as an example of that. We do have a marketing tool kit that’s broke that, that breaks it all down for you, walks you through it all step by step even provides you with fill in the blank templates. And that’s what Maddie took advantage of. And this is what she had to say. She said the marketing tool gets broken down into manageable chunks. It was never overwhelming, and she even had fun working her way through it. So if you’re interested in that marketing tool kit, it includes, like I said, fill in the blank templates, short instructional videos on each template on how to fill it out. If you follow the plan exactly as it is within three days, you can have it complete. Big Picture Strategic Marketing Plan Ready to roll. OK. And and it’ll get you. It’ll give you a shortcut to getting this master strategy set up. So if you’re interested in this, you can learn more about it by heading over to our website at So it’s up there on the screen. I’ll leave it there for a second. We’re going to move on now to more centerpieces that are critical to the growth of your party business. All right. So before I switch screens, here’s one more time. That’s partybusiness, all right, and includes a boatload of resources to help you get your marketing plan rolling. OK. All right, let’s move on.
So sales conversion was another one of our centerpieces for success for party businesses, so this is about closing the sale. This is about getting the gig. OK. So what are the important pieces here to closing the sale and getting the gig? Well, number one, your booking process has to be smooth as to be professional. It has to be easy for your client. And it also has to be easy for you because any friction points you have in your process that slow you down, slow down your responses to your clients. They make your responses potentially more error prone, and all of that is a recipe for disaster. It’s also a recipe for your potential client. Moving on to your competitors that do have an easy, smooth, professional booking process. So you want to make sure you got a clear, easy to use booking process. That’s going to convert you more gigs. You want to have a website that is selling for you 24. Seven. All right. Your website should be your best salesperson for your business, and it’s working around the clock for you. Never takes a break to binge watch whatever is popular Netflix these days. All right, so you want to make sure you absolutely have a website that’s designed to convert visitors into paying gigs, all right, or at least convert them into inquiries for paying gigs? You have a unique value proposition. So, you know, here we’re talking about things like larger barriers to entry that is good if you have large barriers to entry where it makes it harder for competitors to copy what you’re doing. That can give you something unique that you’re offering, but it can also be smaller things like the service itself, like how easy you are to work with and things like that. So what is it that makes you different than all the other options that are similar to you out there? What makes you the no brainer option when it comes to whatever category you find yourself in? And also providing peace people peace of mind is a great sales conversion technique, so having great reviews plastered all over your website or even offering a money back satisfaction guarantee that could tip the scales between you and a competitor because people will feel like you’re risk free and that you must be great if you’re willing to stand behind your product like that. All right.
Moving on, the next one is operations. So the question here to ask yourself is, are you running your business or is your business running? You are right now. I don’t know about you, but I became an entrepreneur because I wanted the freedom that I thought it would provide me. But in my experience, my first five years of running my business, I had anything but freedom in my business. And in fact, I almost shut my business down and I got to the point where I had to make a decision to either accept the situation or close my business or make a change. So I made a change, and some of the things that I found were critically important for my operations and the changes I made were to simplify my business, make it as easy for me to run it as possible. That meant fewer customizations, more packaged up offerings made it easier for my clients to make choices and made it easier for me to run my business more efficiently, establishing systems in my business and having a way of doing things and documenting those systems, because that actually ultimately led to me being able to delegate those processes and outsourcing them in some cases as well and using the right tools like I had to say goodbye to hacking free tools together, I just had to do it for my business. I was using all the free tools you could think of Google Calendar and spreadsheets and Post-it notes all over my my plastered all over my monitor. I was doing all of this stuff just to try and save a few bucks. But when I got the right tools that actually brought it all under one roof, then all of a sudden I realized that what I was doing before really wasn’t working for me. I had just convinced myself that they were good enough. OK, so having the right tools is incredibly important. And again, we get people coming to us all the time who are struggling with their operation, and they don’t even realize that it’s impacting their sales and their marketing and their lead generation because they’re so bogged down in the grunt work of the admin of their business that they never get the time to work on their business and the strategy and the legion and the sales conversion and all that stuff, OK. So we have people like Amanda who came to us who is looking to simplify her operation. She was looking to make it help her run her business more smoothly. And Amanda was doing face painting and characterizing Argentina, and she had so many things on the go and we set her up with Party Pro Manager. And she told us it saved her more than 20 hours a week in admin work. So imagine what 20 hours a week could do for you and your business. You could choose you if you want to use those 20 hours for personal things like hobbies that you just never have the time for, or if you want to use that time to run your business more effectively, it’s up to you what you want to do at the time you save. But getting all of that and unloading all that stuff off your mind is such a huge relief, and it helps you run a better business and grow your business. So if you want to learn more about the system that Amanda is using and hundreds of other party businesses are using, it’s called Party Pro Manager, just head over to All right, so I’m leaving that up on the screen for just a second. Just so you know, that system is a booking planning, building staff management system all rolled into one. It’s an end to end solution, specifically built for party businesses and children’s entertainers just like you. OK, so that’s . All right, moving on.
Finally, our last centerpiece is your team. OK, do you have a reliable, loyal and passionate team? A toxic, unqualified and poorly trained team will absolutely destroy your business growth. It may even destroy your business completely. All right, so you want to make sure that you have a well-thought out process and you’re paying attention to your recruitment process. You’re paying attention to your training process, not just on what you do, but actually how you do it. You’re paying attention to how you’re going to boost morale within your team. OK. And keep them happy. Keep them engaged. Keep them wanting to do a great job for your business. OK, so the recruitment the training hour helps you get people who are. Able to do a great job at the morale boosting is what gets them wanting to do a great job. And you need both of those things playing together. And all of this applies even if you’re a solo entertainer. So if you are a solo entertainer and you’re you’re a one person show, you’re doing everything from the admin to the sales and marketing to the performing. Everything is you. I want you thinking about. You know, you don’t necessarily have to bring on a team. But what are the areas of your business where you could consider outsourcing it to even a virtual assistant, to a professional? Like, are you doing your website to or like maybe a professional could help you in that regard, at least. So what are you thinking about the areas of your business where either you particularly don’t enjoy doing them or the, you know, they’re not your strength and hiring somebody could really boost your business to that next level. So are you thinking about that as well? All right. So those are the six centerpieces for growing your party business, your children’s entertainment business.
On behalf of myself and Adam at Party Business Growth Solutions. We want to thank you, obviously for watching this video. We exist with one sole mission in mind, and that is to help your party business grow as rapidly as possible. And we do that through training videos like this. But we also do it through tools, resources like the software that I showed you already in this training, the marketing tool kit that I showed you in this training. We have other tools, other resources. We provide advice like this, and we even have some services to help you grow your business. However, today we focused on just like a broad stroke of all six of the centerpieces, but you can’t possibly work on all of them at once. You shouldn’t work on all of them at once. So if you aren’t sure what your greatest opportunity is for growth right now, what I encourage you to do is to take our party business growth quiz. This is a quiz of about approximately 15 questions. They’re quick, multiple choice questions when you’re done the quiz. It’ll actually spin out for you a score on all six of the centerpieces we just talked about, and it’ll identify for you, which is the one you should focus on first. Not only will it do that when it identifies out for you will even present you with a short mini training on that specific centerpiece in more detail than we were able to cover today. OK. So I want you to go to Take that quiz! Figure out what your greatest opportunity for growth is today, and let’s get started. Let’s get this party rolling. All right. So thank you very much for tuning in to this. I appreciate your time today. Appreciate you sticking through the right to the end here. Good luck. If you ever have any questions you want to connect with us, reach out to us. We’re happy to to brainstorm with you and do whatever we can to help you grow your business. All right. Party on.